As a parent, do you need more self-care? 1840 1272 candykingclinic

As a parent, do you need more self-care?

As another school year cranks into gear, chances are you’re spending your mornings running yourself ragged packing lunchboxes and finding clean uniforms, and making sure everyone is fed. If you haven’t yet showered or brushed your hair by 10am, you’re certainly not alone.

Living through two years of a pandemic has taken its toll on all Australians – but parental burnout is another thing entirely. A global study found that parents in Western countries are much more susceptible to stress and burnout (because parenting is much more of a solitary activity in the West rather than kids being ‘raised by a village’).

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How to create healthy habits you can stick to 1840 1272 candykingclinic

How to create healthy habits you can stick to

It’s no secret that we all struggle creating health habits – and sticking to them long term.

Why is this? Well, it’s because we rely on willpower to keep us on the straight and narrow – and this alone won’t work. Habits sit in the sub-conscious mind, and often we’re simply not aware of the factors that drive some of our behaviours.

For example, why we pick up that cigarette. How we can promise to have an alcohol-free day but then pour a glass (or three) of wine. The promises we make about exercising, only to ignore our trainers sitting at the front door.

There’s a lot more to changing habits and behaviour than just telling yourself you’ll start tomorrow.

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Can kinesiology help with anxiety? 1840 1272 candykingclinic

Can kinesiology help with anxiety?

Feeling nervous. Being unable to sleep. Having a sense of impending doom. Trembling. Breathing fast. These are just a handful of symptoms you may experience if you suffer anxiety, which is hugely common in our society.

It’s believed anxiety has increased by 40 percent alone in Victoria during the pandemic. If you have it, chances are you’ve searched for ways to treat it and reduce it. You may even be wondering if kinesiology can help with anxiety or give you strategies for reducing it. Read the post to find out everything you need to know about this mental health issue and how to treat it.

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Can you fix addiction with kinesiology? 1840 1272 candykingclinic

Can you fix addiction with kinesiology?

When you’re in the grip of addiction and looking for help, it makes sense to consider everything. And yes, kinesiology can be part of a treatment plan for addiction. But first, let’s go back to basics.

What is addiction? In simple terms, it’s the urge to do something that’s hard to control, or stop. And it doesn’t discriminate: anyone of any gender, age or background can become addicted – whether it’s to alcohol, drugs, sex or even exercise.

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