Yin yoga classes
I’m only offering private, individually tailored yoga sessions at present. If you’re interested, please get in touch!

Yin yoga + kinesiology
I worked as a yoga teacher for 12 years – and it’s not so unusual that I developed a passionate interest in kinesiology, and trained hard for it to become my day job.
After all, kinesiology and yoga are all about energy, and keeping energy flowing through the meridians. Releasing blockages and keeping the energy flowing is the type of emotional and energetic work we do in a kinesiology session – but you can also use yoga to support a kinesiology balance. Similarly, yoga poses and breathing exercises can be tools for healing blockages we all experience from time to time.
Yoga is said to activate the chakras – parts of the ‘subtle body’ you can’t see or touch, but through which your energy flows. If energy becomes blocked in one of your chakras, it’s believed to trigger physical, mental or emotional imbalance.
My yoga classes are on hiatus…
But I do offer a limited amount of private, individually-tailored yoga sessions. If you’d like to know more, please get in touch.